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To join our community, please login or register!
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Last edited by Straya · 7 months ago

Plugins always change, if you do not have the permission to do something on the server please contact us immediately either on the website or on discord.

Hello and welcome to our new wiki!

We have created this wiki for your benefit to keep you safe and healthy while playing on Straya's server and other assets

Please ensure you read our rules and moderation


The staff is always here to help, but please understand that most of the staff have a different life away from gaming and may not be instantly available to answer your questions. If this is the case, please check this wiki or the FAQ for some answers or alternatively you can contact us via email at contact@straya.biz or pop in to our discord server.

As stated the staff are here to help, do not abuse the staff!!

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Below is a list of frequently asked questions that have been developed by admins and players, if the answer is not here please contact the admins via email contact@straya.biz

I have not received my verification email what can I do? 

Simply just contact us using the contact form or send us an email at contact@straya.biz and we will get it sorted for you

Can I donate to Straya?


Yes most definite. We have set up a donation plan where you can donate directly to the server. Please click here to donate.

Your donations are extremely appreciated.

I have been banned from the game server, what can I do?


Depending upon you ban you can appeal it by using the appeals form located here.

Please ensure you read our rules to prevent yourself from being banned.

NOTE: Temporary bans cannot be appealed, the player MUST complete the punishment.

Can I become an Admin or Mod?


Yes you can, however there are certain criteria that you must meet even before being considered for a position of authority on either the website or game servers, some of these may include:

  • playing on the server for not less than six months.
  • posting not less and replying to not less than 70 forum posts.
  • showing the ability of knowing plugins and other aspects such as php and wordpress.

It may be that you already qualify due to your experience with websites or Minecraft, if you think you already qualify you can apply by using this form.

Where are the servers located?

Our servers are located in either Sydney or Brisbane Australia

What resources and plugins do you have on the server?

That is for us to know and for you to find out, staff will not divulge anything to do with the running of the servers.

I noticed that you see resources for minecraft, are they premium?


Yes, most certainly.

All resources are "Premium" untouched resources from the original authors. We offer these resources at a much cheaper price simply because the authors charge too much for what we believe are over priced.

Our resources are kept up to date, however if you know of a resource that you would like added or updated, please use this form to request it.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Reporting a player that breaks the rules

Straya's Report system is an amazing tool for both Staff and Players alike. While it is simple to use - /report [PlayerName] [Reason] - in order to be fully effective it must be used properly.

A few quick tips to remember:

  • False reports are against the rules, and abuse of the system may result in staff action.
  • “Absolute proof” is required in order to issue a kick, mute, or ban. Every report does not always result in punishment
  • If an argument arises, try to solve it diplomatically in-game. If it isn't solved quickly, /report the arguing players in order for staff to take action.
  • Be as detailed as possible within the report limits.

To ensure anonymity for you, you cannot use /report to report staff. Instead, message the Admins at straya.biz or through an email to contact@straya.biz.

  • Members of Straya's Community are welcome to use this email. However, it is not for Minecraft players generally, as our server's Community Manager is not responsible for other servers.

Examples of both good and bad reports can be found near the bottom of this page.

Commonly Reported Offenses/How to Effectively Use the Report System

Spam / Caps: Spam and caps reports are some of the most common. Often, these infractions are simply accidents. It is important to know the difference. You should only report a player if they are clearly abusing the system. See emc.gs/chat rules for more details.

Foul / Inappropriate Language: Empire Minecraft is a family friendly Community, and all Chat should be kept as friendly as possible. Insulting other players or causing discomfort by having inappropriate conversations is not tolerated on the Empire. Chances are, if you are uncomfortable with the conversation, others will be as well.

Foul / Inappropriate Material: As with language, it is important to keep creations, signs, and similar items friendly. Inappropriate items or constructions in public view (including on a players residence) are not tolerated.

Stealing: As mentioned above, be as detailed as possible. Reports with simply “stealing” as the reason are extremely difficult to investigate, and will likely not get resolved. Do not give a player a valuable item unless you are 100% sure they are trustworthy.

Griefing: Almost always better to message an online staff member at emc.gs. If you do need to /report in-game, please add as much information as you can. Please note that reports of griefing in Town are extremely difficult to prove. In fact, it is impossible for a player to grief another without permissions being willingly handed out. Be cautious who you issue permissions to!

Hacking: Quite simply, just type /report and let a staff member handle it. Hackers will usually lie low to not get caught if given too much attention.

Examples of good reports

Spamming - The following report tells staff exactly where and what to look for:

/report player1 Spammed 10 lines of a shop advertisement in town chat.

Foul Language - The following report alerts staff to look for bad words and insults:

/report player1 Insulted player2 by calling him bad names.

Inappropriate Item on Residence / Wild - This report shows staff the location and the residence number for an inappropriate sign. If in the Wild, include coordinates (/loc).

/report player1 Mean sign here on residence # xxxx.

Scamming - This report points staff in the direction of rupee transfers, and has enough information for staff to contact player1. The system will block reports which appear to not provide enough information about scams.

/report player2 I gave player2 1500R for a diamond pick and he never gave it to me.

Stealing - Here, the reporting player clearly identifies items that the staff can look into.

/report player2 Player2 stole my enchantment table and burned down my cabin.

Hacking - Instead of simply saying, "hacks," the reporting player took screenshots AND specified what staff should search logs for.

/report player1 Flying in town. I took screenshots.

Examples of bad reports

Spam - This report is not the best. Unless the spam is extremely obvious, this report will be hard for staff to investigate.

/report player1 Spam

Rudeness / Inappropriate Language / Etc - This report could be much better. Who is the reported player being mean to? What are they doing that is mean? Are they in Town, or the wild?

/report player1 Being mean.

Inappropriate Item on Residence - Remember, some players have multiple Residences, and it is sometimes possible to build on other players' Residences. So, if staff has to search all areas of each residence, it could take quite some time to locate the infringement.

/report player1 He has a bad sculpture on his friend's plot.

Stealing - The staff will have tons of investigation to do on this, and it is likely to slip through the cracks. This report needs to list what is being stolen and from where. Did the reporting player pay any money? Quite simply, not a lot to investigate here.

/report player1 Stealing

Hacking - Again, this report is very non-descriptive. "Hacking" could mean a variety of things. Is the reported player exploiting a glitch? Duplicating diamonds? Flying? Speed mods?

/report player1 Hacks and stuff.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago
  • /Pm [player] [message]: Send a private message
  • /Pay [player] [money]: Transfer to other player some money
  • /Info: Get info about current game version
  • /Feed: Feed yourself once in a hour
  • /Balance: Check wallet balance
  • /Home: Will list all of your homes
  • /Warps: Will list available warps
  • /Main: Opens the main shop GUI
  • /Kit [kit name]: Receive a specific kit, example /kit private
  • /Item: Access to the items command
  • /Nick: [name] Ability to set a nickname
  • /Nick magic: [name] Ability to set magic abilities to a nickname
  • /God: Enables "God" mode - you won't die.
  • /Ptime: Ability to change game time
  • /Repair all: Ability to repair all of your items
  • /Workbench: Enables a workbench anywhere anytime
  • /Repair enchanted: Ability to remail enchanted items
  • /Feed: Ability to feed yourself
  • /Fly: Ability to fly around the world
  • /Back ondeath: Enables you to go back where you died
  • /Recipe: Ability to craft a recipe
  • /Ignore: [player] Ability to ignore annoying players
  • /Msg: Ability to message players
  • /Back: Enables you to go back to your previous location
  • /Question: Enables you to ask a question with the prefix "question"
  • /help: in game for more commands.
  • /daily: Shows the Daily Rewards GUI

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Storage Banks

A Storage Bank is formed when you pay someone to store your items on their residence. A player's Hotel may or may not include a Storage Bank option.

Storage Banks put your items into another player's possession with no way for Staff to enforce that those items will be left alone and untouched by the owner. Additionally players sometimes suddenly disappear or could get banned; making your items unavailable or removed due to a purge.

Storage Banks are not moderated by Staff. Participating with one is done at your own risk and if something goes wrong, Staff will not have the proper evidence to take action.

Residence Permissions

Selling residence permissions is when a player offers the ability to move, use items, etc on their residence. The participation in these situations should be approached with caution. Like storage banks, players will sometimes stop playing or could get banned, which would remove access to whatever permissions you purchase.

Staff will not intervene in the case of issues with the selling/purchasing of residence permissions and you will be participating at your own risk.

Loans and Savings Accounts

A Loan is formed when you allow another player to borrow something of yours, with the intention of eventually returning the item, with or without additional bonus.

By opening a saving account with someone, you're effectively giving them your Rupees, and trusting them to give them back. By investing your Rupees in a project, with the expectation of receiving something in return, you are participating in a loan.

It's possible for a player to build up lots of debt, draining them of all their coins. In addition, it is possible that a player may not give back what was loaned to them. According to Staff, when you willingly give your items or coins to someone else, they stop being yours, and are now theirs.

Loans and Savings Accounts are not moderated by Staff. Participating with one is done at your own risk and if something goes wrong, Staff will not have the proper evidence to take action.

It is NOT allowed to publicize the offering of nor the inquiry of a loan or savings account. By this, we mean that you may not make a forum thread or speak in the public Chat channels about them. Unsolicited advertising through other means is also disallowed.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Our Staff and Mission

Our mission is to have fun and create lasting memories.

The rules listed below are in place so that everyone can enjoy their time on our server. If you EVER have a question about a rule, please ask a Staff member for clarification. The Staff will never tell you or ask you to do anything unreasonable. If you ever have a problem with a Staff member or you feel a situation or report was handled incorrectly, contact the Admins at pmadmin.emc.gs so that the situation can be reviewed.

Straya's Staff reserves the right to ban accounts for causing problems that border the lines of the rules. Straya's Staff reserves the right to update any rule, as necessary, and it is the player's responsibility to read and follow the most current version of the rules. A staff post will be created alongside any major rule changes.

Reporting Players

If a player breaks a rule in-game and you witness it, please report them to a Staff member by using our report system. In-game staff may be able to assist, but can also be busy doing other tasks. To report a player, use /report [name] [reason]. For example, /report Aikar inappropriate messages. This report will be logged into the Staff's system and a Staff will be able to take care of the situation quickly and sometimes without even logging in-game. Do not abuse the report system to file false or joke reports. Doing so may result in punishment.

For a more in-depth guide on Reporting, and examples, see Reporting a Player that Breaks the Rules.

For an in-depth guide to the possible staff-issued punishments on the server and how to appeal, see EMC Punishment System.

Straya's Rule Book

The Empire Minecraft Rules apply to all areas and media used by EMC, including but not limited to in-game, forums, Discord, streaming platforms, and Twitter.

Additional rules may apply to particular features, such as the forums, and are listed on separate pages.

1. Keep Straya Clean and Friendly

a. Do not use inappropriate or vulgar words.

  • Most of the disallowed words are automatically filtered on Straya. Bypassing the chat filter is a punishable offense.
  • The use of mild language such as "damn" or "hell" is the most excessive language allowed, and even then should only be used in moderation, not just because you can. We are Family Friendly and there are players of all ages on the server. Every type of profanity you use has a nicer alternative and we expect you to do so out of respect for the other players who do not curse or who are not allowed to at home.
  • Censored or misspelled foul language is not allowed. (Ex:No sh** or f***'s allowed.)
  • Acronyms are acceptable but should be used in moderation if intended to be using a vulgar word (Ex: WTF should be used in moderation only).
  • Usernames which are deemed inappropriate or contain vulgar words are not allowed.

b. Do not discuss inappropriate or controversial topic in the public chat.

  • This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Drugs (including recreational)
  • Alcohol
  • Sexual Activities
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Sexuality
  • Illegal Activities
  • Breaking Server Rules
  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Mental Health/Suicide
  • NOTE: We are not Anti-LGBTQ+ and welcome players who are a part of the LGBTQ+ Community! However, to help protect those who are part of that Community from any harassment, the discussion of sexuality should be kept out of the Public chat channels. Also within the server, the audience can include children whose parents may not be comfortable with the topic of sexuality for their child's age.
  • If you wish to discuss anything deemed inappropriate or controversial, please do so in Private, Group, or Residence chat Channels only. These channels are not routinely monitored by Staff, but if you are reported for something, Staff will investigate and take action if necessary. These topics should only be discussed with the consent of those receiving your message.

c. Do not be rude to other players.

  • Straya does not tolerate bullying or harassment of our players. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Racist comments
  • Sexist comments
  • Threats of any kind
  • Insults
  • Talking negatively about another player
  • Contacting a player in any manner after they told you not to
  • Note that Straya has built-in features to block contact from another player. Circumventing these features to harass another player is unacceptable.
  • Keep in mind that there are players with different backgrounds than you on the server and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

d. Do not spam.

  • This includes the use of repetitive punctuation, symbols, letters, messages, words, shop advertisements, etc.
  • You must use the cross-server Market channel or private Chat for all economy/shop/service advertisements.
  • Advertise your shop/residence in Market Chat no more than once every 3 hours, unless otherwise solicited. This 3 hour timer is a per PLAYER message limit. If you have multiple Residences, you may only advertise one every 3 hours.

e. Only use English in chat.

  • Our server is primarily English and players are required to use English in all Public conversations. If you wish to speak another language, please do so outside of the Public Chatchannels.
  • NOTE: Casual salutations and comments may be given in alternative languages on occasion without consequence. An extended conversation of other languages should be taken outside of the Public Chat channels
  • Ex: saying 'hola' (Spanish) instead of hello or saying 'vaarwel' (Dutch) instead of goodbye
  • External fonts and special characters should not be used in the Public Chat channels and are classified the same as an alternative language

f. Do not ask other players for their personal information.


Straya is a place for players of all ages to play and feel safe. Always practice safe internet use practices. If someone asks you for your information, do not give it out. Report the action to a staff member immediately.

g. Do not use inappropriate character skins.

  • Skins should have clothes on and covering the chest and bottom region of the character
  • Bikinis, speedos, underwear, or otherwise excessively revealing outfits are not allowed.

h. Do not build anything inappropriate.


Examples of Vulgar or inappropriate builds, include but are not limited to:

  • Symbols of hate such as swastikas
  • Builds that include any word blocked by the automatic Chat filter
  • Sexual builds of any nature

i. Do not cause public drama.

  • Intentionally doing anything that is likely to cause public upset, arguments, riots, or any other negative action, for any reason, is not allowed.
  • Do not disrupt others gameplay or intentionally cause problems for your own enjoyment, i.e. trolling behavior.
  • Publicly stating that you are cheating or breaking the rules as a joke is a form of causing public drama. If you state that you are breaking the rules, you will be punished for the rule you are stating breakage of as a self-confession with no need for proof.
  • Do not argue about or talk negatively about a Staff member's actions in Public Chat channels. If you wish to report a staff member for not acting appropriately or for unfair action, please message Admins on the forums directly.
  • Note: discussing the state of the server can be productive, but complaining to complain can be easily classified as causing drama.

j. Do not advertise or mention other servers.


You may not:

  • Post threads stating that people can PM you for the IP to a private server.
  • Publicly post any IP on the forums.
  • Share IPs in-game in any Public Chat channel.
  • Talk about other servers on the EMC forums, or in-game.
  • Ask others to play on other public servers with you, with or without stating the IP.
  • PM or /tell random people with IPs for servers.
  • Send unsolicited messages in any form to other players about other servers.

If you wish to play with your friends from EMC on a private server, you may do so privately. Keep all talk of this server outside of the Public Chat channels.

2. No Raiding, Griefing, or Stealing

Raiding/Griefing is not allowed anywhere on EMC and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Stealing items from another player's chest
  • Breaking blocks belonging to another player
  • Causing damage to another player's build in any manner

NOTE: Keep in mind that no one should touch what does not belong to them.

Straya does have an Anti-Griefing System, Lock Signs, and Flags in place to protect your belongings and you should use them. Failure to do so can result in loss of items which may not be replaced.

3. No Hacking, Cheating, Exploiting, or Abusing the Server

Only use mods on Straya which are approved for use. Please reference the Approved Mods list to know which may be used. If the mod that you want to use is not on this list, please message a Staff member to review it.

You may not use a mod until it is added to the list.

Do not use any mods, macros or game bugs that give a significant advantage over other players. This includes, but is not limited to, any aspect that allows:

  • X-ray vision
  • Cave finder
  • Mob Radar
  • Block glitches
  • Allowing you to move in a way not intended by the default game settings

Do not abuse bugs, even if it's a server-side or Mojang-side issue.

  • Stop and report the issue immediately to a Staff member.
  • Straya reserves the right to indicate any 'intended' behavior as not allowed if Staff deem it necessary for the server.

Do not abuse the server's computing resources.

  • We are a multiplayer server and others share the same server machine. Do not attempt to crash the server or create intense lag-generating events or contraptions. Staff may contact you if your build exceeds the limit and is affecting server performance.

Automating actions with mods, including using auto-clickers, is only allowed when you are not AFK while doing so, and the ability does not exceed normal play ability.

  • Kill auras, fast-clicking, etc. are NOT within normal play ability.
  • To be not AFK you must be aware and able to respond to staff and Minecraft at all times while using these mods.

4. No Scamming

Scamming includes, but is not limited to:

  • Abusing mistakes on shop signs
  • Attempting to cheat players out of their items or Rupees
  • Failing to deliver paid-for items
  • Failing to complete a paid-for task
  • Giving excessively false information to new players about the economy prices

Scamming does NOT include:

  • Purchasing from shops which have outdated prices or reselling from a shop
  • Player shops are responsible for maintaining their shops are kept up to date. If a shop owner leaves the server for an unspecified amount of time, they should close their store in their absence.
  • Advertisements that state 'cheapest', 'best', 'fastest on Straya', etc when it is technically not
  • This is gimmicky advertising and not intentional scamming in the eyes of Staff. Players are responsible for understanding the market for any items they purchase/sell. Players should be cautious to not allow gimmicky advertising to be abusive towards new players who are unfamiliar with Straya's economy.

Lotteries are disallowed on Straya due to their high involvement in previous scams.

Loaning and Banks are not moderated and are participated with at your own risk.

Do not create games or events that are impossible to complete successfully.

Do not reveal the location of a wild base or outpost that you don't own.

  • Ask for and receive permission from the owner first.

Do not sell residence permissions without unclaiming the residence.

  • You may not sell individual perms to a residence, such as allowing people to have access to move, build, use, container, etc in exchange for Rupees. Selling access to certain rooms of a build, as in a hotel or farm, is allowed. However, you must make it clear to the buyer that they are purchasing access signs to that room and not to residence Flags.

5. No Harming Other Players

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Damaging another player directly or indirectly
  • Creating player traps

NOTE: The server has designated areas where PvP is allowed, such as the PvP arenas on the Games Server, or any specific event geared towards PvP and run by the Staff.

6. No Participating in Illegal Account Activity

Do not use compromised/hacked accounts.

  • The use of compromised accounts is disallowed on the Empire. Any IP associated with compromised accounts will be banned along with possible individual account bans.
  • If your own account becomes compromised, please report it to a staff member to be temp-banned for your own protection.
  • Be wary when utilizing any accounts that you did not purchase directly from Mojang/Microsoft. Accounts gained from MC account sharing sites may not be used.

Do not participate in RMT transactions (Real-Money-Trading).

  • Any attempt to use our forums or in-game communication to buy or sell any item outside of the Empire Minecraft Community (including, but not limited to, Minecraft accounts and Steam games) will result in a severe punishment. Any attempt to sell in-game items or currency for real world currency is not allowed. Do not get involved in such transactions.

For clarification, the following types of transactions are NOT allowed:

  • Coins exchanging for real world items
  • Real world money exchanging for in-game items
  • Real world money exchanging for in-game currency
  • Real world money exchanging for real world items

The following transactions ARE allowed:

  • Free giveaways of real world items
  • Cash exchanging for signature graphics, avatars, etc that will be used on Straya's forums
Please follow the simple and fair Straya rules derived from our professional staff team.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Approved (Legal) Mods

The following mods are approved for use on Empire Minecraft.

Disclaimer about Mod Use

Mods may not be compatible with each other or the current game version. Additional questions regarding Approved Mods may be directed to SpyCraft3r.

Using any mod, including approved mods, in order to bypass the intended conditions of an event is not allowed. Example: OptiFine is allowed as long as you don't use the zoom feature to aim in an event.

Performance Centered

These are mods that are focused primarily on enhancing the player's graphic performance by modifying small client-side details.

  • Cull Leaves - Fabric
  • Dynamic FPS - Fabric
  • Enhanced Block Entities - Fabric
  • EntityCulling - Fabric
  • FastChest - Fabric
  • FerriteCore - Fabric
  • Force Close World Loading Screen - Fabric
  • FPS Reducer - Forge
  • LazyDFU - Fabric/Quilt
  • Lazy-Language-Loader - Fabric
  • MemoryLeakFix - Fabric
  • OptiFine
  • Lithium - Fabric
  • Sodium - Fabric
  • Starlight - Fabric

Useful Tools

These are mods designed to make gameplay more convenient by simplifying normal aspects of Minecraft while not giving a significant advantage over non-mod users.

  • AdvancementInfo - Fabric
  • Amecs - Fabric
  • AppleSkin - Fabric (partially supported)
  • AutoSwitch - Fabric (Unsupported)
  • Beenfo - Forge/Fabric
  • BlockMeterFabric - Fabric
  • ClickThrough - Fabric
  • Coordinates Display - Forge/Fabric
  • Crafting Tweaks - Forge/Fabric
  • EasierChests - Fabric
  • EasierCrafting - Fabric
  • EasyVillagerTrading - Fabric
  • Empire Minecraft Utilities - Fabric
  • Enhanced Attack Indicator - Fabric
  • Fabrishot - Fabric
  • FlightHelper - Fabric
  • FlightHUD - Fabric/Forge
  • Giselbaer's Durability Viewer - Fabric
  • Health Indicator TFX mod - Forge
  • Horse Stats Vanilla - Fabric
  • Inspecio - Fabric
  • Inventory Hud+ - Fabric/Forge
  • Inventory Profiles Next - Fabric/Forge
  • InvMove - Fabric/Forge
  • Item Scroller - Fabric
  • Just Enough Items (JEI) - Forge
  • MidnightControls - Fabric
  • MineMenu - Forge
  • Mod Menu - Fabric
  • Mouse Tweaks - Forge
  • Mouse Wheelie - Fabric
  • Name Pain - Forge/Fabric
  • Rebind All The Keys - Fabric
  • Roughly Enough Items (REI) - Forge/Fabric
  • ShulkerBoxTooltip - Fabric
  • ToroHealth Damage Indicators - Forge/Fabric
  • What's That Slot - Forge/Fabric
  • WTHIT - Forge/Fabric
  • WorldTime - Fabric

Aesthetic Changes

These are mods that are focused primarily on enhancing the player's aesthetic experience in-game.

  • Blur - Forge/Fabric
  • Bobby - Fabric
  • Canvas Renderer - Fabric
  • Clear Skies - Forge/Fabric
  • Continuity - Fabric
  • Custom Crosshair Mod - Fabric/Forge
  • Dark Loading Screen - Fabric
  • Distant Horizons - Fabric
  • Do a Barrel Roll - Fabric
  • Effective - Fabric
  • EnhancedVisuals - Forge
  • FancyMenu - Forge/Fabric
  • First-person Model - Forge/Fabric
  • Iris Shaders - Fabric
  • ItemPhysic Mod - CreativeCore and Forge
  • LambdaBetterGrass - Fabric
  • LambDynamicLights - Fabric
  • Logical Zoom - Fabric
  • MinecraftCapes - Forge/Fabric
  • Minecraft Shaders
  • Music Player - Fabric
  • Ok Zoomer - Fabric
  • Physics Mod - Fabric
  • Quilt Loading Screen
  • Simple Fog Control - Fabric
  • Sword Blocking - Fabric

Specialized Tools

These are mods designed to complete very specific game-play actions. These are not going to be desired to be used by everyone due to a niche use.

  • AntiGhost - Fabric
  • Auth Me - Fabric
  • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded - Forge
  • Better Ping Display - Fabric
  • Controlling - Forge
  • CraftPresence - Forge/Fabric
  • Critical Orientation - Fabric
  • Don't Clear Chat History - Fabric
  • EmuNO - Fabric
  • Grid - Fabric
  • I Know What I'm Doing - Fabric
  • Light Level Overlay - Forge/Fabric
  • More Chat History - Fabric
  • NBT Tooltip - Fabric
  • No Fade - Fabric
  • No More Useless Keys - NMUK - Fabric
  • No Strip - Fabric
  • Not Enough Crashes - Fabric
  • MiniHUD - Fabric
  • PetOwner - Fabric
  • Sodium Extra - Fabric
  • uwuify chat - Quilt
  • WorldEditCUI - Fabric

Please follow the simple and fair Straya rules derived from our professional staff team.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Disallowed (Illegal) Mods

The following mods are explicitly against the rules and are NOT allowed.

Do not use these mods

Use of illegal mods on EMC will result in a ban. These mods break Rule #4 of EMC: Do Not Hack, Cheat, or Exploit.

  • Hacked Clients
  • Anything with fly capabilities
  • Certain camera mods (must be an approved mod)
  • CMDCam
  • X-Ray/Cave-finder (anything that allows you to see through walls)
  • Accurate Block Placement
  • Auto-spawn/auto-respawn upon server disconnection
  • AutoFish
  • AutoJoin
  • Baritone
  • BlockPlacer
  • Elytra Hopping
  • GammaBright
  • Inventory Tabs
  • Precise Block Placing
  • Smart Moving
  • StepUp
  • Tweakeroo
  • Any mod that is not approved, conditionally approved, or deemed incompatible.

Please follow the simple and fair Straya rules derived from our professional staff team.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

These rules apply to each and every post on the forums. If a post is in breach of any of the following rules, please use the forum report button. All punishments are at staff discretion. If you have a problem with the way a staff member handled a situation, then please contact the Admins at straya.biz to discuss.

Note: By following these rules, all players may freely communicate within the Straya Community. Violation of these rules will result in possible revoking of this ability and further staff action, if deemed necessary.

Keep EMC Clean and Friendly

  • Do not use inappropriate or vulgar words.
  • Do not discuss inappropriate or controversial topics outside of the Controversial Forum Section.
  • Do not be rude to other players.

Be mindful that there are people with other religions, ethnic backgrounds, political views, etc than what you may have. While you may not agree with other players' viewpoints on these matters, it is NEVER okay to insult another player or their beliefs anywhere on the forum.

Do not spam.

  • Posting multiple posts with the same, or similar content
  • Posting multiple threads with the same, or similar content
  • Posting off-topic content, or content with no value
  • Hijacking another player's thread
  • Posting for the sole use of advertising an outside product or Website
  • Posting in any language except English unless specifically discussing the language
  • Bumping a thread too often

A 'bump' is any post that is posted in order to bring the post to the top of the most recent threads list without offering new updates or important content that otherwise warrants a post.

We have many threads and only 20 may be in the recent post section at once. Due to this, you may bump, at earliest, 12 hours after the last post. This 12 hour timer is based on the last post by any player in the thread and applies to all forum areas including auctions.

Bumping rules are minimized to every 6 hours for any public member in-games events that are occurring within 24 hours, unless an important content update is warranted.

Do not use other languages. English is required.

  • exception: discussing differences with languages as a topic
  • Do not ask other players for their personal (IRL) information.
  • Do not use inappropriate profile pictures.
  • Do not cause public drama.
  • Do not advertise or mention other servers.

We are first and foremost a Minecraft Community. Threads about topics that cause conflict or lead to harassment are posted in the section 'Controversial Topics', but will be shut down if the line is crossed at any time, as deemed by Staff. Access to this section is opt-in only and you must message Admins to be evaluated for acceptance based on ability to handle yourself in a controversial setting. Individual access to this forum section may be removed, if deemed appropriate by Staff.

Controversial Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Drugs (including recreational)
  • Alcohol
  • Sexual Activities
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Sexuality
  • Illegal Activities
  • Breaking Server Rules
  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Mental Health/Suicide

If you have a question if something is controversial or not, please ask Staff before posting.

Do Not Abuse Features

Offenses covered by this rule include:

  • Using alt accounts or friends to boost likes, followers, or trophies. Alternate accounts include any accounts on your IP connection. If you are a family member, then please contact the Community Manager to be noted as such.
  • Asking for likes or followers
  • Exploiting any bug
  • Hacking other players' accounts

Please follow the simple and fair Straya rules derived from our professional staff team.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Discord is a great tool for communicating with other players on Straya. Because of its popularity, some rules and policies have been created, to assure everyone gets the best possible experience and things are under control.

Discord rules

Cyberbullying is a BIG issue on the internet and here on EMC, it is never acceptable. We have rules to counter it, and we work with the Community to prevent it.

Do not discuss staff reports/incidents over Discord

  • Discord should not, in any case, be used to discuss staff related topics or report rule-breakers. Those must be done via private messaging on the forums, the /report feature or email to contact@straya.biz

Do not use inappropriate language

  • Discord has many different text and voice channels. They observe the regular Straya rules, which permit PG language and do not permit inappropriate topics. You can find out more about this on the main Rules page.
  • The use of PG language extends to both name choices and statuses. If your Discord username is inappropriate for Straya, you can use the command /nick in the Chat bar to set an appropriate nickname.
  • Breaking those rules will result in consequences on Discord and possibly extend to in-game punishment as well. Ask a staff member if you have a question about what is/isn't allowed. Accidents happen and a simple warning usually sets people right. If someone is cursing more than what can be considered accidental, then please report the issue to a staff member. Remember that we are a family-friendly server.

Do not be rude or bully others

  • Being rude is not allowed and repetitive instances are considered bullying. Don't do it EVER and you won't have any issues. Treat others how you expect them to treat you.

Do not spam or refuse to utilize push-to-talk when necessary

  • If your mom/grandma/husband/little kid is shouting in the background, the other players on Discord don't want to have the line spammed with your personal issues broadcasting across the channel. Once in a blue moon is an accident. Every time you are online is a blatant disregard for the people in the channel.
  • If someone uses text to speech, be courteous when chatting in the text boxes. Using it specifically to spam them is not allowed.

Do not record others without their permission

  • Recording on Discord should only be done if all the players in the channel agree to it.

Reporting Discord issues appropriately

  • Any Discord issue should be reported to Admins directly via pmadmin.emc.gs with any and all witnesses include if they are testifying
  • If 3 witnesses testify to issues from an account that staff deems against Discord/Straya policies, that account will be tempbanned from Discord for 1 week as a starting point. Repetitive instances will result in longer periods of punishment.
  • False testifying can result in your own account being tempbanned. This reporting system is something not to be abused and is meant to help the players that we haven't been able to help. Please don't use this system incorrectly.

If you are permanently banned from Straya, you will be permanently banned from Discord.

Please follow the simple and fair Straya rules derived from our professional staff team.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Below is a simplified list of rules that may not be covered in previous topics.

If you are unsure of any rule, please contact the staff for clarification.


  • All players must have appropriate usernames that are not offensive.
  • Your Minecraft skin must be appropriate for our community and are not offensive.
  • If you disagree with another player or are uncomfortable with their messages, please notify a staff member.
  • Malicious threats of any kind towards other players are not permitted.
  • Do not send any link that is deemed inappropriate or malicious.
  • Being rude or arguing with other players in a hostile manner is not allowed.
  • Continued unwanted behavior towards a player is not permitted.
  • Being excessively rude or abusive towards another player is not allowed.
  • Do not make any type of serious threat towards another player.
  • Using an alternate account to bypass a ban is not allowed.
  • Do not use any form of automated programs or scripts.
  • You are not allowed to advertise anything that is not related to the server.
  • Stealing other player’s items is not allowed.
  • Teleport trapping is prohibited.
  • You are not allowed to share account information in chat.
  • If you want to speak in a language other than English, please use private messaging.
  • Do not encourage other players to break rules.
  • If you notice any player violating a rule, please report it to a staff member.
  • Do not keep asking or begging for items or weapons.
  • Be polite and show respect to each other.
  • Do not criticize the server or any players.


  • Please use English in public chat.
  • Speaking other languages in the global chat except English is not allowed.
  • Use inappropriate language or creating inappropriate content is not allowed.
  • Do not send the same message in quick succession in public chat.
  • Profanity, racism, and discrimination are prohibited in public chat.
  • Do not send spoilers in public chat.
  • Keep the chat civil and appropriate for everyone.
  • Saying something to confuse or mislead other players is not allowed.
  • Do not talk or joke about inappropriate subjects.
  • Bypassing filtered words is prohibited.
  • You are not allowed to open a dispute on a store purchase or donation.
  • Do not send links to any other Discord server in public chat.
  • Discussing anything inappropriate in public chat is not allowed.
  • Excessive Caps Lock in the chat is not allowed.
  • Do not use any derogatory terms on the server.
  • Any form of hate speech is prohibited.
  • Drama, politics, and religion in the chat are prohibited.
  • Do not use any fancy or glitchy characters in chat.
  • Please keep the chat friendly for all ages.


  • Griefing is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.
  • Going into another player’s base without permission is trespassing.
  • Do not kill pets, animals, or any name-tagged mob of another player.
  • Please replant trees whenever you destroy them.
  • Crafting or using TNT in the server is not allowed.
  • Do not spam teleport requests.
  • Please build 100 blocks away from another player’s build.
  • Do not place unwanted lava or water around the map.
  • Do not loot another player’s death location.
  • Do not modify other players’ builds without their consent.
  • After you’ve harvested the crops of a farm, please replant them.


  • Do not ask for free stuff or beg for items.
  • Trading of any items for real-life money or form of currency is prohibited.
  • Never share your account’s information with anyone.
  • Do not send any personal information without the owner’s consent.
  • If you encounter any disrespectful players, please report them to a staff member.
  • If you are not sure if something is against the rules, please ask a staff member.


  • Do not hack or cheat to gain an advantage that would not normally be available in regular gameplay.
  • Modifications that control your player or automate actions are prohibited.
  • Any link that is deemed inappropriate or malicious is not allowed.
  • You cannot use alternate accounts to spam chat, commands, or other communication methods.
  • Doing anything considered to be illegal is not allowed on the server.
  • Cobble monstering to create large structures are not allowed.
  • All clicks must be done manually (on a mouse) without rebinding.
  • The use of stolen or hacked accounts is not permitted.


  • Do not build any type of farm with the purpose to overwhelm or cause a negative impact on the server.
  • Advertising of other servers in public and private chat is prohibited.
  • Do not attempt to use our server for the purpose of scamming other players.
  • Any threat or attempt to DOX/DDoS/SWAT another player or server will result in a permanent ban.
  • Inappropriate builds are not allowed.
  • Abusing a bug or a glitch in the server to gain an unfair advantage is prohibited.
  • Do not spam commands that negatively affect other players.
  • Do not use items that are not typically obtainable in-game on any other server.


  • Harassing staff members or other players is not allowed.
  • Impersonating staff members or other players is not allowed.
  • Lying to staff members is not allowed.
  • Do not repeatedly ask or beg for mod status.
  • Do not argue or harass staff members.

Please follow the simple and fair Straya rules derived from our professional staff team.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

On Straya, we have rules in place to make sure that everyone has a family-friendly and fair survival experience. If a player break one of these rules, they will be punished by Staff. The type of rule broken and the player's rule-breaking history is what usually determines the type of punishment received. This page covers the various punishment types, as well as what the player should do if they receive a punishment.


Use mostly for minor indiscretions. Jail is only located on the server in a hidden location. Players who are Jailed MUST be on the server for the jail time to expire.


A player is jailed for 15 minutes and leaves the server at the 10 minute mark, when the player re-joins the server, that player will still have 5 minutes in jail.

When a player who has been jailed re-joins the server that player will respawn in jail in the same cell.


Used mostly for Chat related offenses, a mute disables the player's Chat for a period of time. Duration is usually 5 minutes - 1 hour, but may extend beyond dependent on the staff's discretion. The player will receive a message on their screen and will be unable to send Chat messages until the time period is up.


Used primarily by our automatic hack detection. Don't worry if you aren't using hacks and you still receive this kick. You can re-connect immediately and it won't count against you. It's just the system stating that your player movement is erratic and not typical. This often occurs during large lag spikes or long falls. The message that will appear on your screen is:

Temporary Bans

A temporary removal from the server, usually used for punishments that are equivalent to a time-out when a player needs time to cool off, or needs a more stern warning prior to receiving a regular ban. Each temporary ban has a duration set by the staff member, and this may vary depending on the offense.

NOTE: Temporary bans cannot be appealed, the punishment MUST be completed.


This is our most severe punishment on Straya. Used for punishing illegal hacks, scamming, griefing, etc. The offenses that result in a permanent ban on Straya are usually those that involve the player making the Straya environment unfair. An extensive player history of other offenses may also result in a permanent ban. We use the term 'permanent' to indicate the ban length, however the ban may be lifted if the player appeals or successfully disputes the ban.

Appeals and Purges

When a player is permanently banned from Straya, they can appeal the ban to the staff member that banned them (starting here). If a player successfully appeals a ban that was not in error, they will usually be purged. If the player successfully disputes the ban, they will not be purged. The purge does not automatically occur at the time of the ban being issued. If you are unable to Appeal a Ban, please email contact@straya.biz for assistance. This also applies to players who are banned from the forums.

A purge erases everything that a player previously had on Straya. This includes their residences, vaults, stables, rupees, EXP, mail, and more. The returning player will start in the tutorial again. Their Site data (such as post and like count) is not erased.

Purging an account after a permanent ban is part of the standard appeal procedure on Straya. It prevents players from accessing anything that was obtained in an unfair way and gives them a fresh start. Temporary bans are not accompanied by a purge. In rare circumstances, a purge is not issued.

Last edited by Straya · 7 months ago

Recently Straya's admins have trialed a few plugins to lock chests without any luck. Plugins like the old Lockette no longer works and the spin off LocketteX works but doesn't protect anything, while LockettePro isn't pro at all.

We now use LWC-Extended the full wiki can be found here

NOTE: Automatic protection for blocks as been disabled you must use the commands below to lock blocks/chests

To lock a chest (without a password)

  • Simply place a chest
  • Look at the chest and type: /lock
  • The left click the chest as instructed

To lock a chest (with a password)

  • Simply place a chest
  • Look at the chest and type: /lwc -c password <password> (<password> being the password you choose)
  • The left click the chest as instructed
  • You will not be required to use your password to access your chests until you log back in to the server

NOTE: When using a password protected chest you will need to use that password to open the chest every time

To unlock a chest

  • Look at the chest and type: /unlock
  • Then left click the chest as instructed

To break/remove a chest

  • First unlock the chest

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Kicked for Flying

You are likely seeing this page because you were kicked for hacking by our automated hack detection system. The incident that caused you to be kicked has been logged. We advise you read this whole page to understand why you have been kicked.

I was not hacking:

If you were not hacking, do not worry. Sometimes, things, such as block lagging, can flag your account and cause you to be automatically kicked. Provided you are not actually hacking, you will not be banned. However, it is probably a good idea to not do what caused you to be kicked again.

I was hacking:

If you were hacking, stop now. This is your only warning.

It is against our rules to hack. If you are caught hacking by a staff member, you will receive a permanent ban, and your account will be reset. Remove your hacks now if you wish to continue playing on Empire Minecraft. If you are banned from one of our servers, you are banned from all of them. See the Rules and Moderation page.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

How to remove effects in Minecraft

After you play Parkour or another map that has effects, sometimes those effects will remain.

The simplest way to remove the effects if the interfere with your game is to drink a bucket of milk.

If you don't have any milk you can find some at Spawn in the public chests. If there is no milk there please contact an admin.

Last edited by Straya · 7 months ago

Protect a House

Once you build a house you might want to protect it from griefers.

Follow these simple steps:

  • Make a wooden hoe
  • Right Click the lowest point of your house
  • Left Click the highest point of your house
  • To expand an area, look in the direction you want to expand and type:
    • /res select expand <amound_of_blocks>

You can also expand to the sky and bedrock using the command: /res select vert Keep in mind that this can be expensive!!!

  • Then type: /res create <name of your house>

NOTE: The name of the house must be server unique and contain no spaces or special characters.

At any time to see what your house will cost to build type:

/res select cost

To add a friend to your house:

  • Type /res pset <name of your house> <your friends name> build true

(the commands are case sensitive)

If you are unable to do any of the commands above, please contact us, it may be that you don't have the correct permissions assigned to you.

Last edited by Straya · 7 months ago

We think you will be amazed with this newly created server.

This server is the gateway to Staya, the gateway to all of the servers.

There are public chests where you can get items that other players have left, it is the gateway to server like the end and the nether, not to mention a portal to transport you to a secret location on the wilderness server.

Things to remember:

The Shop - If you need to go shopping, use the commands /menu or /shop

Spawn - If you ever want to return back to this server simply type the command /spawn and you will be teleported back to spawn.

You can always check the wiki for thinks you want to know.


Last edited by Straya · 7 months ago

Enjoy all that you enjoy about survival, with the largest dug out (by hand) section on any minecraft server in the world.

The dug out took 6 weeks to complete.

When you are in the server, type /warps to see a list of available warps or type /warp dugout to view it from the middle, you will be amazed.



Yes that's right, the famous mobfarm is back. Kill mobs to gain XP and mob drops.

Will you survive?


Last edited by Straya · 7 months ago

On this server you imagination is the only limit.

Create what you want on you own plot.


Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Battle against your friends and other players, all 23 of your mini game favorites, including:

  • Spleef
  • One In The Chamber
  • Floor Shuffle
  • Sumo
  • The Dropper
  • Parkour
  • Volcano
  • Hot Potato
  • Punch The Bat
  • Splegg
  • Ore Miner
  • Animal Slaughter
  • Crafting Master
  • Horse Race
  • Mine Field
  • Survival Games
  • Tnt Run
  • Mob Shooter
  • Hoe Hoe Hoe
  • Colorful Run
  • Quake
  • Minecart Racing
  • Pig Fishing

NOTE: Server is currently under construction, only Spleef is working at the moment

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

Jobs is a unique server.

If you need to make money, visit this server, mine wood, stone, sand and others, then sell them to the server for cash.

These mines reset at various intervals, and are "rank" available.


Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

So you think you are the best??

Perhaps not, our PvP server is special, jump the safe zone and battle away. 

Kits are available from the shop or from the PvP Server, the more powerful the kit, the more you survive.



PvP Server spawn


From the other side


Can you avoid the lava?


What a view.

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

If you have been on our servers we hope that you have enjoyed it so far. We have many more things instore for you.

If you have any suggestions, please make mention of it in our forums.

Here is a current list of ideas and servers to be added:

  • Factions Server

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago



  • Recruit - Free (Limited permissions)

Permanent Ranks

  • Private - $5.50
  • Corporal - $11
  • Sergeant - $16.50
  • Warrant Officer Class Two (WO2) - $22
  • Warrant Officer Class One (WO1) - $27.50


All upgrades to the next rank cost $5.50

Example: Sergeant to WO2 - $5.50

NOTE: You must have the previous rank before you can upgrade ranks.


Subscription Ranks (expires within seven(7) days)

  • Private - $2.20
  • Corporal - $7.70
  • Sergeant - $13.20
  • Warrant Officer Class Two (WO2) - $18.70
  • Warrant Officer Class One (WO1) - $24.20

Perks & Commands



  • Ability to set three homes
  • Access to the Private Kit
  • Extra Storage (18 Slots)
  • Disguise as a Pig
  • Disguise as a Sheep
  • Disguise as a Cow
  • Ability to /ignore players
  • Access to the /msg command
  • Access to the /back command
  • Access to the /question command


  • 5000 Coins
  • 24 Cooked Beef
  • 64 Torches


  • Iron Shovel
  • Iron Pickaxe
  • Iron Axe


  • Stone Sword with Sharpness Level 2
  • Leather Helmet with Protection Level 2
  • Leather Chestplate with Protection Level 2
  • Leather Leggings with Protection Level 2
  • Leather Boots with Protection Level 2




  • All previous ranks perks and abilities
  • Ability to set five homes
  • Access to the Corporal Kit
  • Extra Storage (27 Slots)
  • Disguise as a Ocelot
  • Disguise as a Squid
  • Disguise as a Wolf
  • Ability to /fly
  • Access to Back on Death command
  • Access to the /recipe command


  • 6000 Coins
  • 16 Bails of Hay
  • 24 T-Bone Steaks


  • Iron Shovel with Efficiency Level 2 and Unbreaking Level 1
  • Iron Pickaxe with Efficiency Level 2 and Unbreaking Level 1
  • Iron Axe with Efficiency Level 2 and Unbreaking Level 1


  • 1 Bow
  • 24 Arrows
  • Iron Sword with Sharpness Level 2 and Unbreaking Level 1
  • Iron Helmet
  • Iron Chestplate
  • Iron Leggings
  • Iron Boots




  • All previous ranks perks and abilities
  • Ability to set seven homes
  • Access to the Sergeant Kit
  • Extra Storage (36 Slots)
  • Disguise as a Spider
  • Disguise as a Creeper
  • Disguise as a Villager
  • Ability to set warps
  • Ability to repair enchanted items
  • Access to the /feed command


  • 8000 Coins
  • 16 Carrots
  • 16 Spuds
  • 16 Diamonds


  • Iron Shovel with Efficiency Level 2, Unbreaking Level 1 and Fortune Level 1
  • Iron Pickaxe with Efficiency Level 2, Unbreaking Level 1 and Fortune Level 1
  • Iron Axe with Efficiency Level 2, Unbreaking Level 1 and Fortune Level 1


  • 1 Bow
  • 48 Arrows
  • Iron Sword with Shapeness Level 2, Unbreaking Level 1, Knockback Level 1 and Looting Level 1
  • Iron Helmet with Protection Level 2
  • Iron Chestplate with Protection Level 2
  • Iron Leggings with Protection Level 2
  • Iron Boots with Protection Level 2




  • All previous ranks perks and abilities
  • Ability to set ten homes
  • Access to the WO2 Kit
  • Extra Storage (45 Slots)
  • Disguise as a Zombie
  • Disguise as a Slime
  • Disguise as a Cave Spider
  • Access to the /ptime command
  • Access to the /repair all command
  • Access to the /workbench command


  • 25000 Coins
  • 16 Golden Apples
  • 16 Golden Carrots


  • Diamond Shovel with Efficiency Level 3, Unbreaking Level 2 and Fortune Level 1
  • Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency Level 3, Unbreaking Level 2 and Fortune Level 1
  • Diamond Axe with Efficiency Level 3, Unbreaking Level 2 and Fortune Level 1


  • Diamond Sword with Sharpness Level  2 and Unbreaking Level 2
  • Diamond Helmet with Protection Level 1
  • Iron Chestplate with Protection Level 1
  • Iron Leggings with Protection Level 1
  • Iron Boots with Protection Level 1




  • All previous ranks perks and abilities
  • Ability to set fifteen homes
  • Access to the WO1 Kit
  • Extra Storage (54 Slots)
  • Disguise as a Endermite
  • Disguise as a Rabbit
  • Disguise as a Chicken
  • Disguise as a Skeleton
  • Access to the /item command
  • Access to the /nick command
  • Access to the /nick magic command
  • Access to the /god command


  • 50000 Coins
  • 2 Cakes
  • 24 Golden Enchanted Apples


  • Diamond Shovel with Efficiency Level 4 and Unbreaking Level 3
  • Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency Level 4 and Unbreaking Level 3
  • Diamond Axe with Efficiency Level 4 and Unbreaking Level 3


  • Diamond Sword with Sharpness Level 3 and Unbreaking Level 3
  • Diamond Helmet with Protection Level 3 and Unbreaking Level 1
  • Diamond Chestplate with Protection Level 3 and Unbreaking Level 1
  • Diamond Leggings with Protection Level 3 and Unbreaking Level 1
  • Diamond Boots with Protection Level 3 and Unbreaking Level 1

Last edited by Straya · 8 months ago

What is <server name>?

We are a Minecraft server where people can join and have lots of fun playing our unique gamemodes!

How can I get in contact?

You can fill in a website contact form or join our Discord server.